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How to reach Frascati laboratories, Tor Vergata and Banca d’Italia.

A new public service is born that connects the center of Frascati to the laboratories of the Scientific Center, Banca d’Italia and Tor Vergata.

So it is finally here: the local public transport service which connects the center of Frascati to the research centers of the Scientific Pole, Donato Menichella Center of Banca d’Italia, Policlinico Tor Vergata (Tor Vergata Polyclinic) and the faculties of Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (Tor Vergata University).

This is a circular service that starts from Piazza Roma in Frascati, follows the entire route up to the laboratories (ESA/ESRIN, INFN/LNF, ENEA, CNR, INAF), to the faculties of Tor Vergata, Bank of Italy, up to Policlinico Tor Vergata, to return to the starting point.

Today, thanks to the joint effort of the administrations of Frascati, Grottaferrata and Rocca di Papa, it is possible to comfortably reach these world-famous organizations via the local public transport service of the Schiaffini group.

The Scientific Center and the Frascati Laboratories have always represented a very important basin for the city of Frascati and the Castelli Romani, in terms of movement of people, ideas, technology and economy. Every year Frascati is crossed by a flow of thousands of researchers, scientists, engineers, physicists, mathematicians, technicians, computer scientists: the elite of world science who meet a few kilometers from here to carry out cutting-edge experiments, space launches, meetings of international importance. An elite who becomes fond of our town, frequents our restaurants, sleeps in our facilities, forms bonds with the people of Frascati in a unique relationship.

Donato Menichella CDM Center is the Frascati headquarters of Banca d’Italia. The branch boasts over 60 employees and is specialized in cash processing: in fact it only works with other banks and Poste Italiane for cash processing.

The Center is another very important spot in the Frascati area, and it is a source of specialists, economists and technicians who visit and live in our territory.

Università di Roma Tor Vergata is the second university in Rome. It was founded in 1982, and today boasts a large number of faculties and specializations of the highest level (Economics, Law, Medicine and Surgery, Literature and Philosophy, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, and Engineering, etc.).

PTV (Policlinico Tor Vergata) is the scientific medical centre, connected to the University of Tor Vergata. It is a cutting-edge center for robotic and experimental surgery techniques in the various specializations present in the structure.

DOWNLOAD NOW the time table of the new Scientific Center - Bank of Italy - PTV - Tor Vergata public transport service.

The Scientific Center - Bank of Italy - PTV - Tor Vergata public transport service works only on weekdays. Not all stops are made in both directions. For more information contact us.
