Open Day Castelli Romani e Monti Prenestini 2019
Here it comes this week-end Open Day Castelli Romani e Monti Prenestini 2019, the amazing event that sees every town of the roman counstryside involved.
Below we quot all the informations about this one-day event.
On October 20, Castelli Romani will be lighted up by the event that sees the main organizations and associations of the of the Roman countryside operate togheter, for a day that includes more than 150 events and dozens of munipalicities. We are talking about Open Day Castelli Romani e Monti Prenestini 2019 (Castelli Romani Open Day and Monti Prenestini 2019).
Consorzio Sistema Bibliotecario Castelli Romani, Comunità Montana Castelli Romani e Prenestini, Parco dei Castelli Romani, GAL Castelli Romani e Monti Prenestini, Sistema Bibliotecario Prenestino, Museumgrandtour - Sistema Museale Territoriale Castelli Romani e Prenestini are just some of the organizations that cohopearate to organize this great collective kermesse, which aim is the spread of everything Colli Albani and Monti Prenestini have to offer in terms of natural, cultural and historical heritage.
And yet, numerous are the civil and religious schools and institutes that have actively engaged in the initiative.
For more information about Open Day Castelli Romani e Monti Prenestini 2019, you can call the 0039 0693956063 that will provide information from 09:00 to 17:30 on Sunday 20th or alternatively you can download the pdf including all the activities that you can find attached to the bottom of the page.
The city of Frascati, is one of the municipalities involved in the open day, and one of the locations that operated the most in order to give the right notoriety to this beautiful area, known for its genuine food and quality wine, a welcoming territory , rich in traditions and flavors.
Click down below in order to download the events schedule
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