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The Pupazza Frascatana enters into Slow Food Arc of Taste.

After the well-known Frascati DOCG, another famous product of Frascati finally receives the certificate of excellence that recognizes its historical and cultural importance for the territory of the Castelli Romani: the Pupazza Frascatana.

This famous honey biscuit, with the features of a woman with 3 breasts (tells the oral tradition that the puppet represents a peasant woman or a nurse who sweetens the soul of children with the wine that flows from the third of her breasts), enters the famous Arca del Gusto by Slow Food (Ark of Taste), thanks to the work of Condotta Slow Food Frascati e Terre Tuscolane (which made an excellent work of historical reconstruction of the roots of the Pupazza), with an official presentation made at the Salone del Gusto in Turin and the participation of local institutions.

This attempt to push the Pupazza to the attention of the italian institutions, as a product of excellence, is a work begun by associations, and private citizens, since so many years, with initiatives such as the one we began years ago through Hotel Colonna website and social networks.

Moreover it was finally abolished terms like "Bambola" or "Miss", and it was chosen the diction Pupazza Frascatana.

The recipe of this traditional biscuit, symbol and pride of Frascati, is as simple, as complex is its processing.

The Pupazza is composed essentially of the same amount of flour "0" and acacia or millefiori honey (the true heart of this recipe), to which can be added aroma of citrus or spice.

The honey is initially blended with olive oil over low heat, to then be joined to the flour and other ingredients, when the flame is over, and everything is then worked by hand until the dough is hard and malleable, but not friable.

At that point comes the time of the work of fine, on the board, where the famous form of woman is given to the mixture. The siloutte has at this point, a thickness of about half a centimeter. After the last aesthetic touches, the Pupazza is ready to be baked.

pupazza frascatana slow food frascati hotel colonna